Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Lock Box: Sons Of Anarchy Review - Episode Six One Six (Spoilers)

Sons Of Anarchy EP Six One Six Jax(Hunnam), Nero(Smitts) and Chibbs(Flanagan)
The fallout begins in the aftermath of the school shootings. The club is, in my opinion, disarray, and Jax seems to be filling Clay's shoes a little bit more every week with each decision he makes.

Last week’s season premier was one that's still being talked about, with good reason. Kurt Sutter, who created the series, recently got into it with watchdog group, Parent Television Council, after they called the first episode "an outrage." As for the show, we're learning more and more, little by little, about the issues that will be coming to light as the season progresses.

With the image of the young boy walking into an elementary school and opening fire on a classroom fresh in our minds, we see Arcadio(Navarro) apologize over and over to Nero(Smitts). He informs him that the shooter was "his old ladies kid," Mathew, and the weapon that was used was his KG-9 SAMCRO had sold them in the previous season.

Again, was SOA creator Kurt Sutter and Co. trying to cash in on the recent events that have happened in our own schools, or was it tackling deeper issues with social decay and the lousy parenting that accompanies it? I'm going to go with the latter on this one.

It seems Nero and Jax(Hunnam) are going to come to an impasse at some point this season, and by all accounts should be one hell of an episode. Nero breaks the news to Jax about the shootings and they quickly divulge a plan to get Arcadio's junkie, wife(Samaire Armstrong), out of the city. The fear of a "junkie rat" spilling her guts to the police consumes Jax later in the episode, as he has Juice(Rossi) give her her fix and ultimately fixes their problem as they make it look as if she's OD'd.

What isn't fixed, is the relationship between Tara(Siff) and Jax. It looks like she's asked Lowen(Weigert) to start the divorce process and has given her, from what it looks like to me, everything "she can remember" concerning the club and their activities, as if she's trying to distance herself from them. I guess she's had a change of heart.

The sex scene between Tara and Jax was...nonexistent. There doesn't seem to be anything there, as they were each distant from one another, while being together; going through the motions but their heads just weren't in it.

Retired US Marshal Lee Toric(Logue) is back in action as he convinces San Joaquin County DA, Tyne Patterson(CCH Pounder) to help him with his personal vendetta against SAMCRO. They don't seem to be too concerned with the child-size coffins that will be lowered into the ground, rather to crush the club and add a positive mark to the ol' resume.

With Toric's substance issue, we'll see just how far he's able to go before the club figures out his Achilles heel, or if DA Patterson will find out, first.

As for Clay(Pearlman), he's willing to play ball with Toric and give up everything he has on the club, he just has a couple of demands first; to see Gemma(Segal) and Jax before he signs anything. Once Clay meets with Gemma, he's basically spilling his guts about "always loving her" and whatever goes down, none of it lands on you." It's clear to see she still feelings for him, with her bumbling and mumbling to herself in the woman's bathroom-- crybaby.

Through all of it, we have Bobby(Boone) still trying to build his new Nomad crew riding through place after place, completely in the dark of what's going down in Charming. There's a plus for him; he picked up newcomer to the show, or at least for a couple of episodes, Shameless star Steve Howey, who will be playing new Nomad, Hopper.

Did I miss anything? Let me know in the comments below.

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