Wednesday, July 9, 2014

The Lock Box: Superman Revealed For Snyder's 'Batman v Superman' Film

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice/Warner Bros. Pictures
I know, this is not breaking news by any means. But, when the first look at the new Batman costume for the up coming superhero film, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, both fan boys & girls rejoiced, for the most part.

The general consensus was that fans loved the new look, maybe in part, due to the tonal difference Zack Snyder's bringing to the legendary character. "It's cooler to see a crusty old Batman beating the snot out of guys," Snyder has said as his take will focus on a more road-weary Batman. Well, that works for me as every incarnation we've seen of the Dark Knight has been in his mid-30's, with the exception of The Dark Knight Rises, which I thought was...okay.

Recently, Warner Bros. released a brand new picture of Henry Cavill as Superman, as reported by Brian Truitt of USA Today, rockin' his new duds. Some might think that he looks almost exactly the same as he did in his first outing, Man of Steel, but that's not true-- he's got a new haircut! The suit itself looks a tad different, as well; the blue is a little more prominent that it was before. But aside from that, there's really not too much of a difference that can be seen in this shot.

It looks as if he's paying Gotham a visit, hanging out on some rooftop, definitely not flying on rooftops. I mean, I'm pretty sure it's Gotham, only because it's raining and the color palette is dark and bleak, as Gotham is usually portrayed as. The sun doesn't exist in Gotham, didn't you know?

As far as the duo's relationship goes, Zack Snyder has said that, "there is a 'v' in between their names to keep it from being a straight 'versus' movie, even in the most subtle way." That means that even Snyder knows who would actually win in an actual fight between Superman and Batman, and does not want to start WW3 with comic "enthusiasts."

This film is going to be the catapult that slings moviegoers into the awesomeness that will(should) be the Justice League, in which the director is slated to helm as well.

In the Dawn of Justice, expect cameo's and easter eggs up the yin-yang from various characters throughout the DC universe.

Ben Affleck Photo by Zack Snyder/Warner Bros. Pictures
Joining the star-studded cast, aside from Ben Affleck who is playing one of the title characters, Batman, will be Gal Gadot, who will be suiting up as the Amazonian princess, Wonder Woman. I can already feel you shaking your head while reading that last sentence, but rest assured that, according to the Dawn of the Dead director, "she's working out and getting buff and ripped."

Also brought in to the mix is Ray Fisher, an actor best known for his time spent on Broadway, that is being transformed into Cyborg.

There have been recent rumors of a Green Lantern showing up at some point or another, but I believe it's merely speculation at this point.

Now, I know fans have been clamoring for a Justice League movie for some time now, even before Marvel's The Avengers came out. But I, on the other hand, have always wanted to see a Worlds Finest film before watching the Justice League.

I don't know, but the thought of seeing Superman ascending from the sky to meet up with Batman has always peeked my interest over seeing three or four characters that are supposed to be the "strongest in the galaxy," in Martian Manhunter, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman and, of course, Superman on screen together. And on the ground, you have Batman and the "fastest man alive," in the Flash, and now Cyborg, I guess.

The master of slow-mo has said, "I don't know how you get bigger than that," regarding his highly anticipated team-up flick. And while I have no doubts about the aforementioned film, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, I do wonder how they will try to make the Justice League stand out from the rest. Yes, it's THE Justice League, but they're all incredibly strong, or fast, or invincible, or some kind of fusion of all three.

I guess we'll have to wait until 2018 to find out. I hope the world doesn't end by then.

Anyway, here it is, in all it's glory. Let me know what you think in the comments section below.
Henry Cavill Photo by Clay Enos/Warner Bros. Pictures

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