Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Locker Talk: Hey, Sun! Don't Tread On Me!

It's 100° in my house.

thermometer melting by depositphotos
Ok, maybe not literally, but it's still pretty hot in here; the A/C's been running, at what seems to be, non-stop, the dogs are constantly panting, and I'm starting to notice an underwater city lurking in the pool that's being formed on my coaster due to the condensation from my glass of "ice" water. Yes, I have to use a coaster; otherwise my wife will lecture me about water rings ruining our tables and whatnot.

Anyway, Southern California has been heating up over the past couple of weeks. Maybe not record high's like the kind the NCDC recorded for Death Valley, but it's hot enough to not want to have anything but cold cuts, ice cold gazpacho and gallons of ice water all day. Have a sweet tooth? Throw a little ice cream in there, while you're at it. Or, if you're feeling cooped up; relax in the pool for a few hours. That should help your body cool down, and work on your tan in one swift stroke. The beauty of pools is, you don't need the built-in ones. I mean, they're great and all, but the ones that sit above ground get the job done just as good. Can't afford either? Fill up your bathtub and lay in that bad boy. If you're really missing that pool experience, shove you're arms into some water-wings. They'll keep you from drowning and, if you feel insecure wearing them, no one from the outside world will ever know how weird you are. It'll be our little secret. Win, win.

Lego hair no more split ends by Incredible things
As for me, I took a cold shower, an ice, cold shower. No I don't have a pool, either. But I don't find myself longing for an "incredible" tan like those morons from the Jersey Shore. Now, I know what you're thinking as far as cold showers go; "Aren't you worried about shrinkage?" Short answer: No. What no one else sees ever happened, kind of like Las Vegas. But, an interesting article by revealed that there are a few pro's to taking a cold shower. After reading their article, it made sense to me why my skin was looking so fabulous, and guess what else? No split ends!

Looking forward, it doesn't seem like we're on course for a heat wave like the one that hit China, as reported by USA Today. Texas looks like it's been getting the blunt of the heat within the states. But, those awesome people at are reporting that cooler temperatures are on the horizon. I guess we just need to be patient. So, that means we all need to stop complaining. After all, we haven't had to deal with melting thermometers over here. Not yet, anyway.

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