Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Lock Box: Sons Of Anarchy Review - Episode Poenitentia (Spoilers)

Sons of Anarchy EP Poenitentia

There was a little more happening in this episode in comparison to episode Six One Six; lots of stuff to get to and break down, so let's jump right in it.

Three episodes into season 6 and Clay already looked like he was going to meet the pointy end of Mr. Shiv. Alas, he was able to fend off the Reaper for another week.

All is not what it would appear to be; however, as it seems Jax is keeping Clay alive for a very specific reason: to help him keep the current relationship with the Irish Kings intact long enough for Jax to find a way to get the club out without any more of their blood being spilled.

Still with me? Okay, just checking.

Anyone else notice how strangely Tara has been acting since she was released from jail? It seems that there are either one or two things happening here: either she's actually losing it, psychologically, as the stress of being potentially found guilty of conspiracy to commit murder is pushing her to her breaking point. Or, she's just done with it all and over all of it; Jax, the old-lady lifestyle, the crime, the blood on her hands, being held hostage, having her kids injured or kidnapped-- it's enough to drive any woman, no matter how strong, to the point of wanting to say, "Screw it, I'm done!"

If it was the latter, I would completely understand, no matter how dreamy your outlaw-husband is, because everyone has their limits, and maybe she's well passed hers. Also, am I the only one that thinks the baby she's preggers with is potentially Otto's? It's probably not, but how many of you can say, with certainty, that it's Jax's?

Bobby still looks to be in the midst of starting up his Nomad crew, but he does seem to be running into a couple of obstacles, here and there; especially with him not properly informing Jax of his departure from the Redwood Originals.

As far as Clay is concerned, it appears he's the new Otto of the club. Yes, Jax did set him up for specific reasons as stated above, but killing the prison shot-caller is something Pope's successor obviously wanted to be done. It's entirely within the realm of possibility that the black inmates just could not get to him, so how would they be able to get to with all of the protection he has from his white brothers? A Trojan horse, of course.

And with that action, Clay not only added to his sentence, but also added to his own security issue within the prison. The one question that's been on my mind is: does he now have to watch his back from an attack from black inmates as well as white inmates, now, or just the white inmates?

Regardless, he's on his own with no protection other than a shiv of his own provided by an prison guard. Maybe he'll save us all of the hassle and just off himself, I wouldn't mind that. But with his potential departure from the series, there would be a big gap that would need to be filled.

Tig looks like he's on borrow time, now, with Pope's crew showing up at the warehouse. Will he actually die this time, or will some miracle save him?

With Tig's death looming, I can't help but notice the symbolism in his death. If he does, in fact die, that would close the book on Clay's reign of SAMCRO. Tig is really the last connection to Clay's presidency, aside from Jax. But this is Jax's club, now, and with a new president comes a new direction. At least, that's what Teller keeps telling himself.

Toric is showing how dangerous he can be, accidentally killing his escort but showing little emotion and setting up Nero as the murderer. This only looks to add to the tension between Nero and Jax, as Nero is going to be blasted all over town as a murderer and his ties exposed, publicly to SAMCRO.

Okay, I know this is a point I've made before, but Robocop is still as bad-ass as ever. Slicing the bad-guys throats and just being awesome, he's still plays a scary ex-cop.

In one of the more awkward moments in this season, Jax walks in on Robo-Weller, being ridden like the stallion he still is by Jax's Sancha. That entire scene was as awkward as walking in on your uncle having sex with your whore-business partner that you've slept with while your wife was incarcerated for murderer charges-- yeah, it was that awkward.

What did you guys and gals think? How is this season shaping up in your eyes? For me, each episode is doing a great job of building the tension for the ensuing episode. Agree? Disagree? Let me know.

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