Thursday, September 26, 2013

Inside The Cage: Man Is Fatally Stabbed After Dodgers-Giants Game

SAN FRANCISCO - This morning, Dodger fans, and sports fans alike, were informed about the death of a Dodger fan, who was stabbed to death near AT&T Park. The incident took place after the Dodgers-Giants game wrapped up, but according to Giants' spokeswoman, Staci Slaughter, the murderer took place several blocks away from the ballpark.

The stabbing may have not taken place in A&T Park, but it's clear the incident was a result of the two rival teams playing each other. Other than informing the general public the murder took place a little after 11:30 PM Wednesday night, police are releasing very few details about the incident.

Apparently, a confrontation took place between two groups of men; however it's unclear whether the three men, who are being detained by police for questioning, were wearing Giants gear. The man who was stabbed to death, whom authorities have identified as 24-year-old Jonathan Denver, was confirmed to be wearing Dodgers apparel. Police are still interviewing witnesses, but other than the three men currently being detained, there have not been any other arrests.

Upon publishing of this article, of the three men being detained for the stabbing, two of the men have been arrested. On March 31, 2011, a Northern California Paramedic was brutally beaten and left with brain trauma and medical bills as high as National Debt. Since then, security has been beefed up at Dodger Stadium and increased police presence has been felt.

The issue made national headlines, and countless fundraisers have been held by both the Dodgers organization and the city of LA. One has to wonder if the fatal stabbing of a rival fan by the Bay will make the same splash as the incident involving hospitalized Giants fan, Brian Stow.

All of this violence by fans turning on each other is completely ridiculous and has no place at any stadium, for any sport. I personally don't the Giants -- I mean I really dislike the team -- but I never approve violence towards another because of their choice of sports team.

This was a discussion I've had with my cousin countless times when the question would come up: "If we were there, what would we do?" As far as I'm concerned-- and this goes for my cousin as well, I'm a man that has never stood by while someone was fighting for their life against a larger group. I'd like to think that I would've intervened, went to his aid, even though it was a Giants fan, and helped even out the odds. Yes, there would be a chance that I would've ended up in the hospital as well, but it would've been the right thing to do.

Violence at sporting events towards one another, while simply trying to go out and enjoy whatever event you're at, needs to stop. This article won't change anything, and it's just the thoughts of one man, but it's something that needs to be stopped; there's already enough violence around the world, we shouldn't have to feel unsafe while we watch a game.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Inside The Cage: Manny Machado's Injury And How It Will Affect The O's

Manny Machado leaving game vs. Rays after injuring his left knee [AP]
The baseball world was shaken up with the freak injury to young Baltimore Orioles third base rising star, Manny Machado. With that injury, O’s fans will begin to lose hope after the team lost both his glove and bat while trying to make one final push for the playoffs.

It was a routine play in the top of the 7th inning; the kind kids like Machado still hustle for and veterans chalk up to a can of corn. What happened next– well, it was hard to watch. Machado stepped on the right side of the bag as do most players in the league, only this time with a much different result than normal; his left knee gave out under the pressure and looked as if his leg had become a wiggly worm.

He fell down almost immediately after stumbling a bit and grabbed his knee. If you were watching on TV, you could see the grimace on his face from the pain. After first base coach Wayne Kirby signaled to the O’s bench, their training staff ran from the dugout and tended to the fallen 21-year-old.

Even concerned Tampa Bay Rays‘ team physician came out to look over Machado, before he was loaded onto a stretcher and driven off the field to be further evaluated.

Veteran second baseman, Brian Roberts, who was DH’ing in this game, was able to give the young infielder a hug in between innings. “I just hurt for him,” said Roberts, “you don’t want to see this happen to anybody, but when you see what kind of special player he is and special kid he is, [it's really tough]. But the great part is he’s 21-years-old. You've got to find a bright spot in it as best you can. You hate to hear people say, certainly the injured player hates to hear people say, ‘He’ll come back and he’ll be fine and this and that’– but they’re not the ones going through rehab and not the ones dealing with it.”

O’s Manager Buck Showalter had his most valiant face on, while talking to reporters after the game, “Crazier things have happened in six games. You know, from being around our guys, it’s– I don’t want to say depressing, it probably is, but more of what’s going on there, now is teammate-to-teammate with two guys who have gone down in the line of the fight.”

Showalter, of course, speaking of the injury suffered by infielder Alexi Casilla, after a head-on collision with teammate Nick Markakis, diving to catch a blooper hit by Rays’ outfielder, Wil Myers. Casilla was able to stay in the game despite being knocked unconscious for a short amount of time and will be kept overnight and monitored at a local hospital.

Machado had X-rays taken immediately at Tropicana Field, but with an MRI and other tests done in Baltimore yesterday, the injury is not looking to be as bad as one thought, originally. According to Showatler, they couldn't find the X-ray film after they were developed. “Doctors weigh in on something they shouldn't be, quite frankly,” said the Orioles Manager. “I've heard some early prognosis, but I think they should wait until they get all of the tests back. Everyone needs to be quick to paint something negatively,” he continued.

Now, I’m no pessimist, but that comment might have been directed towards me– indirectly of course. After all, the first thought that popped in my head was,” Wow, I hope that’s not his career.” I didn't mean that in a disrespectful way, but when I think of knee injuries of that magnitude — granted, we don’t know the complete diagnosis, but c’mon, knees aren't supposed to bend that way — players usually have a very tough road ahead, with the odds not always in their favor. Sometimes, they’re rarely ever the same.

But, looking at Manny’s highlights, his general play, and the fact that he’s never had any major injury aside from the one he suffered a few days ago, I believe he can come back from this; he has to, especially with the silver lining-type diagnosis he received yesterday. His star was just starting to burn bright, as he has yet to physically peak.

He’s still growing as a baseball player– no, as a person that gets paid to play a game that he loves. His rising talent cannot be stopped by the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. He may not be smashing the ball like teammate, Chris Davis, or a hitting machine like Miguel Cabrera, but the tools are there; at some point in his career he’s going to figure it all out, he’s going to put it all together. He’s already a good player, especially for being as young as he is, but when he puts everything together, he’s going to be one scary batter to face.

Until then, the only thing he needs to do is focus on resting his knee, then he can start rehabbing when the time is right. There’s one thing, however, I know he won’t do– lose hope.

The Lock Box: Sons Of Anarchy Review - Episode Poenitentia (Spoilers)

Sons of Anarchy EP Poenitentia

There was a little more happening in this episode in comparison to episode Six One Six; lots of stuff to get to and break down, so let's jump right in it.

Three episodes into season 6 and Clay already looked like he was going to meet the pointy end of Mr. Shiv. Alas, he was able to fend off the Reaper for another week.

All is not what it would appear to be; however, as it seems Jax is keeping Clay alive for a very specific reason: to help him keep the current relationship with the Irish Kings intact long enough for Jax to find a way to get the club out without any more of their blood being spilled.

Still with me? Okay, just checking.

Anyone else notice how strangely Tara has been acting since she was released from jail? It seems that there are either one or two things happening here: either she's actually losing it, psychologically, as the stress of being potentially found guilty of conspiracy to commit murder is pushing her to her breaking point. Or, she's just done with it all and over all of it; Jax, the old-lady lifestyle, the crime, the blood on her hands, being held hostage, having her kids injured or kidnapped-- it's enough to drive any woman, no matter how strong, to the point of wanting to say, "Screw it, I'm done!"

If it was the latter, I would completely understand, no matter how dreamy your outlaw-husband is, because everyone has their limits, and maybe she's well passed hers. Also, am I the only one that thinks the baby she's preggers with is potentially Otto's? It's probably not, but how many of you can say, with certainty, that it's Jax's?

Bobby still looks to be in the midst of starting up his Nomad crew, but he does seem to be running into a couple of obstacles, here and there; especially with him not properly informing Jax of his departure from the Redwood Originals.

As far as Clay is concerned, it appears he's the new Otto of the club. Yes, Jax did set him up for specific reasons as stated above, but killing the prison shot-caller is something Pope's successor obviously wanted to be done. It's entirely within the realm of possibility that the black inmates just could not get to him, so how would they be able to get to with all of the protection he has from his white brothers? A Trojan horse, of course.

And with that action, Clay not only added to his sentence, but also added to his own security issue within the prison. The one question that's been on my mind is: does he now have to watch his back from an attack from black inmates as well as white inmates, now, or just the white inmates?

Regardless, he's on his own with no protection other than a shiv of his own provided by an prison guard. Maybe he'll save us all of the hassle and just off himself, I wouldn't mind that. But with his potential departure from the series, there would be a big gap that would need to be filled.

Tig looks like he's on borrow time, now, with Pope's crew showing up at the warehouse. Will he actually die this time, or will some miracle save him?

With Tig's death looming, I can't help but notice the symbolism in his death. If he does, in fact die, that would close the book on Clay's reign of SAMCRO. Tig is really the last connection to Clay's presidency, aside from Jax. But this is Jax's club, now, and with a new president comes a new direction. At least, that's what Teller keeps telling himself.

Toric is showing how dangerous he can be, accidentally killing his escort but showing little emotion and setting up Nero as the murderer. This only looks to add to the tension between Nero and Jax, as Nero is going to be blasted all over town as a murderer and his ties exposed, publicly to SAMCRO.

Okay, I know this is a point I've made before, but Robocop is still as bad-ass as ever. Slicing the bad-guys throats and just being awesome, he's still plays a scary ex-cop.

In one of the more awkward moments in this season, Jax walks in on Robo-Weller, being ridden like the stallion he still is by Jax's Sancha. That entire scene was as awkward as walking in on your uncle having sex with your whore-business partner that you've slept with while your wife was incarcerated for murderer charges-- yeah, it was that awkward.

What did you guys and gals think? How is this season shaping up in your eyes? For me, each episode is doing a great job of building the tension for the ensuing episode. Agree? Disagree? Let me know.

Inside The Cage: Dodgers Win The Division And Celebrate With Pool Party; Update On Rest Of The League

Dodgers Celebrating Division Win Photo by Ross D. Franklin/AP
I know, I'm late with this article, to tell you the truth I've been pretty busy with work-- so here's the rundown: Looks like it’s a wrap for the NL West; the Dodgers, as of last week, are the division champions and not without controversy.

When they clinched, the Dodgers had won 7 of their last 17 games played, going into the month of September. With only one day off in between that time span, they've been a little banged up. It seems as if someone is always coming out of a game with some kind of, either, new or nagging injury. Regardless if any of the die-hards care or not, it does take its toll on them.

The majority of the fan base doesn't want to see players coming out of a game. One reason is: we've been seeing it since the beginning of the year, starting with Hanley Ramirez. Soon thereafter, Matt Kemp’s stalled, complete with an injury to the non-surgically repaired shoulder and constant leg injuries.

Manager Don Mattingly has been, pretty much grilled by the fans for, what they feel is, poor mismanagement of his ball club. They light up twitter with posts about pulling, or resting players when he feels they need rest, all the while complaining about how the high-priced talent should be playing. I’m very torn on this, as I can understand the wear and tear that comes from playing the game.

After the Dodgers won the division Thursday afternoon, no Dodger fan was complaining. The Diamondbacks and their fans, however, are a completely different story.

Many of the Dodger players celebrated by jumping in the pool that’s located in the Left Field area of the stadium. Why would it matter how a team celebrated a big win like they accomplished, especially with the obstacles the Dodgers have had to jump over, to anyone playing the game?

The Diamondbacks HAD their chance to run away with the division, they had their chances to pull away from everyone within their division, but they didn't. They continued to play like a team that shouldn't be in the playoffs, and the Dodgers did the improbable; they started winning. They started winning a lot of games and playing like a team destined for the playoffs.

Here’s an idea: if you don’t want anyone in your pool, don’t install a pool the first place. Willie Bloomquist was the first, to my recollection, to open their mouths about the pool incident to the media, calling the Dodgers “classless and disrespectful.” I don’t think a team can call an opposing team classless when they have a mascot that’s wearing Speedos, shaking their rump in front of the opposing team’s dugout with the words “Beat L.A.” firmly stitched across its rear. It’s all in good taste and fun, right?

And speaking of tea kettles, Senator John McCain recently offered his two cents on the whole, “pool-gate” scandal, calling players, “spoiled brats.” I’m sorry, but I don’t think anyone from the senate, or in politics in general has any room to stand when calling somebody a spoiled brat; just my two cents.

Anyhow, the Diamondbacks won’t see the Dodgers until next year when they meet up in Australia. Until then, they’ll just have to pout and complain to the Padres about how the Dodgers are a bunch of meanies.

This isn't, at all, the rants of a die-hard Dodger fan, I’m writing this as a fan of the game, in general. If someone does something you feel you wouldn't do, what does it matter to you– especially in pro sports? So, you don’t like the way the other team celebrates? That’ not a big deal, it just makes you come off as a pretentious cupcake. Is that how you want the kids that are watching to turn out; to the point where they can’t celebrate and relieve a ton of stress after an almost disastrous year?

I believe Brandon McCarthy had the right frame of mind; “Celebrating is fun. I don’t care how or where you do it. Only thing to care about is what we need to do to celebrate in our pool next year.” Bravo, Brandon, bravo, you actually get it.

Remember when the Dodgers were in last place, a billion games out of first and everyone had an opinion about salary and chemistry? Those people should understand, more than anyone, else why the Dodgers were celebrating the way they were.

As far as the playoff picture for the rest of the league looks like, Atlanta, Oakland and Detroit are all running away with their respective divisions, with Boston recently winning theirs.

As far as the rest of the division goes, the A's, Tigers and Red Sox have all won their divisions in the AL, where as in the NL, aside from LA, the Braves are really the other team that's locked up theirs.

The Central is a bit more congested, as the Cards, Reds and Pirates are all still within earshot of the division title; I'm still thinking the Cards will take the division and the Reds will win the Wild Card slot over the Pirates in the one-game playoff.

AL Wild Card should come down to Tampa Bay and Cleveland; both teams have been hot as of late, as they both have winning streaks of five games going into Wednesday. I'm thinking it's going to be Cleveland and hopefully it'll be just as awesome as when when they made it in the playoffs in 1989.

Remember, there’s no crying-- there’s no crying in baseball!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Jock Lock: NFL Pre-Game - Top Matches And Predictions For Week 3

Looks like there's going to be a few games to keep your eyes on for week 3 in the NFL. I'm hoping this weekend will be just as heart-racing just as last weekend was. Let's take a look at the standouts; first up is:

Chiefs vs. Eagles - Thursday night football is actually looking to be a marquee match-up. Andy Reid comes back to Philadelphia with the Chiefs as Michael Vick comes off his, arguably, best game as an Eagle. I normally don't care for Thursday night football, but I might have to go to Buffalo Wild Wings for this one. The Chiefs stingy defense hasn't really been tested so far this season, although Tony Romo was able to go 30/42 and 298 yards in the air, but did hold him to one touchdown. Vick went 23/36 with 428 yards and 2 touchdowns, respectively, so keeping that in mind, this game should be a real treat. PREDICTION: Eagles Win, 17-27.

Michael Vick AP Photo/Matt Rourke
Chargers vs. Titans - Titans Owner Bud Adams has spent a lot of money trying to build a championship team. The only issue is, in my eyes, Jake Locker. Locker hasn't broken the 200-yard throwing mark so far, this season and only has 2 touchdowns, as well. The Chargers' Philip Rivers, on the other hand, is a pretty solid Quarterback; he's already thrown for 7 touchdowns in two games, so I'd say that's pretty solid, as of now. The way I see it, Rivers has more weapons available to him. The Titans have some weapons of their own, it's just a little more of an issue to get the ball to those weapons. PREDICTION: Chargers Win, 30-27.

Philip Rivers AP Photo/Denis Poroy
Lions vs. Redskins - If Reggie Bush is healthy enough to start the game, the Redskins are in trouble. In their first two games, they've allowed over 130 yards on the ground. As far as the Lions air attack, Mathew Stafford is no Aaron Rogers, but with Megatron to throw to, it has the potential to be pretty dangerous, especially with Bush coming out of the backfield. RGIII is no slouch by any means, and he was pretty efficient against the Packers, but questions are surrounding him as far as the health of his knee goes. I, personally enjoy the fact that he wants to establish himself as a passer, first, asking to be compared to the likes of Aaron Rogers more than Michael Vick; this game should be thoroughly enjoyable. PREDICTION: Lions Win, 24-21.

Matthew Photo by Jeff Gross/Getty Images
Texans vs. Ravens - The Ravens defense is still as formidable as any top D in the league, but the one question is: will any of their DB's be able to cover Andre Johnson? I'm not knocking on Lardarius Webb by any means, I just don't see him being able to contain Johnson; and if Matt Schaub is able to go deep with ease, Arian Foster, if healthy, might just have another big game, or vice verse. On the other side of the coin, Joe Flacco is an All-Pro Quarterback and does have his own threats in Torrey Smith and Ray Rice. For this game, I'm really on the fence for how this game's going to turn out. As far we know, this game could be a shoot-out by the time the final minute ticks down. I'm just going to throw darts at a dartboard and see who the winner is -- RESULTS: Texans Win, 27-24.

Matt Schaub AP Photo/Denis Poroy
Falcons vs. Dolphins - Am I crazy for thinking Ryan Tannehill can pull off a win against the Falcons? I mean, honestly, am I really thinking Tannehill will be the better Quarterback over Matt Ryan? Now, I've been a fan of Ryan's for a long time; I think he's an outstanding QB, but I just think Tannehill has so much confidence going into this game that he might just turn some heads with, what might be, an amazing game. I'm throwing it out there, love it or hate it, and it very well might happen-- or not. I could absolutely be completely wrong, and in that instance, I'll admit I was wrong, but I'm going to back Tannehill, as I don't see the ground game being very productive for either team. PREDICTION: Dolphins Win, 17-24.

Ryan Tannehill Photo by Matt Sullivan/Getty Images
What do you think? Am I off my rocker? Should I not quite my day job? Let me know if you agree with any of my picks, or not.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Lock Box: Sons Of Anarchy Review - Episode Six One Six (Spoilers)

Sons Of Anarchy EP Six One Six Jax(Hunnam), Nero(Smitts) and Chibbs(Flanagan)
The fallout begins in the aftermath of the school shootings. The club is, in my opinion, disarray, and Jax seems to be filling Clay's shoes a little bit more every week with each decision he makes.

Last week’s season premier was one that's still being talked about, with good reason. Kurt Sutter, who created the series, recently got into it with watchdog group, Parent Television Council, after they called the first episode "an outrage." As for the show, we're learning more and more, little by little, about the issues that will be coming to light as the season progresses.

With the image of the young boy walking into an elementary school and opening fire on a classroom fresh in our minds, we see Arcadio(Navarro) apologize over and over to Nero(Smitts). He informs him that the shooter was "his old ladies kid," Mathew, and the weapon that was used was his KG-9 SAMCRO had sold them in the previous season.

Again, was SOA creator Kurt Sutter and Co. trying to cash in on the recent events that have happened in our own schools, or was it tackling deeper issues with social decay and the lousy parenting that accompanies it? I'm going to go with the latter on this one.

It seems Nero and Jax(Hunnam) are going to come to an impasse at some point this season, and by all accounts should be one hell of an episode. Nero breaks the news to Jax about the shootings and they quickly divulge a plan to get Arcadio's junkie, wife(Samaire Armstrong), out of the city. The fear of a "junkie rat" spilling her guts to the police consumes Jax later in the episode, as he has Juice(Rossi) give her her fix and ultimately fixes their problem as they make it look as if she's OD'd.

What isn't fixed, is the relationship between Tara(Siff) and Jax. It looks like she's asked Lowen(Weigert) to start the divorce process and has given her, from what it looks like to me, everything "she can remember" concerning the club and their activities, as if she's trying to distance herself from them. I guess she's had a change of heart.

The sex scene between Tara and Jax was...nonexistent. There doesn't seem to be anything there, as they were each distant from one another, while being together; going through the motions but their heads just weren't in it.

Retired US Marshal Lee Toric(Logue) is back in action as he convinces San Joaquin County DA, Tyne Patterson(CCH Pounder) to help him with his personal vendetta against SAMCRO. They don't seem to be too concerned with the child-size coffins that will be lowered into the ground, rather to crush the club and add a positive mark to the ol' resume.

With Toric's substance issue, we'll see just how far he's able to go before the club figures out his Achilles heel, or if DA Patterson will find out, first.

As for Clay(Pearlman), he's willing to play ball with Toric and give up everything he has on the club, he just has a couple of demands first; to see Gemma(Segal) and Jax before he signs anything. Once Clay meets with Gemma, he's basically spilling his guts about "always loving her" and whatever goes down, none of it lands on you." It's clear to see she still feelings for him, with her bumbling and mumbling to herself in the woman's bathroom-- crybaby.

Through all of it, we have Bobby(Boone) still trying to build his new Nomad crew riding through place after place, completely in the dark of what's going down in Charming. There's a plus for him; he picked up newcomer to the show, or at least for a couple of episodes, Shameless star Steve Howey, who will be playing new Nomad, Hopper.

Did I miss anything? Let me know in the comments below.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Jock Lock: NFL Week 2 - Post Game

Heck of a week 2, huh? I don't think I've ever seen that many close games as I did this past Sunday. Now, I can't go through every single game, I wish I could but I can't, so I'll go through a basic rundown of the best. Although, it's going to be tough picking out which ones should be covered.

Titans vs. Texans - This was THE best game played this Sunday, by far. It was so back-and-fourth that it was like watching a tennis match. It wasn't an offensive highlight reel, but there was enough drama to make Day of Our Lives look like a day-time soap opera. Just the field goal sequence at the end of the game was enough to make any Titans-Texans fan pull their hair out. YEE-HAW! Texans Win, 24-30 in OT.

DeAndre Hopkins and Matt Schaub Photo by Scott Halleran/Getty Images
Chargers vs. Eagles - I think this is the game that should solidify Michael Vick as a legitimate Quarterback in the league. Dog fighting issue aside, the Eagles QB has been on his best behavior since he was jailed. Philip Rivers had a great game as he out-dueled Vick, but not by much. This was another game that was decided by the golden foot of a kicker. San Di-E-Go SuperChargers! Chargers Win, 33-30.

Nick Novak Photo by Rich Schultz/Getty Images
Panthers vs. Bills - Even the Bills official Twitter account couldn't keep up with what was going on in this one. The Bills were the dominant team in this one, clearly. EJ Manuel's turnovers, however, kept the big kitty cats in the game. Mario Williams had 4.5 sacks to keep the mobile Cam Newton confined to within the pocket most of the game. The only touchdown thrown by Manuel to Stevie Johnson ended up being the game winner. Overtime, here we go! -- Not so much. Bills Win (in regulation, Twitter), 23-24.

EJ Manuel Photo by Rick Stewart/Getty Images
Dolphins vs. Colts - What would you have said, at the beginning of the season that the Dolphins would beat the Colts? What would you say if I told you the Dolphins beat the Colts? Would you think you're dreaming? When will my questions stop? I don't know about my last question, but I would have never thought Andrew Luck would have been out-played by Ryan Tannehill. Okay, so he wasn't out-played so much as he was, kind of stuck in quicksand against the Dolphins D-line. Looks like Flipper got the last laugh on Sunday. Dolphins Win, 24-20.

Ryan Tannehill AP Photo/AJ Mast
Vikings vs. Bears - Anyone order a Polish sausage with a side order of nail biter? Well, if you were watching this game, that's what you got! Jay Cutler had a good game, aside from a few pout-y moments, here and there. Chris Ponder was, well, Chris Ponder. I still don't see it, though; him being a high-caliber QB in the NFL. I'm a Packers fan, but it's not like I hate the Vikings-- while writing this, I'm staying as neutral as possible, but I don't think he's very good. Anyway, blah-blah-blah, Bears win, yatta-yatta-yatta, their fans are happy. Da-a-a-a Berss Win, 30-31.
Jay Cutler and Alshon Jeffery Photo by Jonathan Daniel/Getty Images
Who are you looking forward to see playing next weekend? Hopefully not the Jaguars.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Locker Talk: Kris Jenner - Relevant?

A Kardashian is making headlines, again. Well, kind of.

Courtesy of Kris Jenner
Over in la-la land, Kris Jenner recently shared a picture via Instagram of herself. The hell, you say? Why, yes, it's true. Believe it or not, she's actually posting pictures of herself for all of the public to see, admire and adore.

Now, I know what you're thinking: "Wait a second; the Jenner/Kardashain clans are posting pictures of themselves just for the sake of, 'look at me, now'?"

Surprisingly, yes, she is.

But all joking aside, it's pretty sad how much she needs to feel relevant compared to her children. In the picture, as posted, she's covered in makeup, and probably wearing high heels while in the pool, "swimming."

Jenner wrote, "Last day of summer gonna miss you."

Yeah... Kendall is also getting into the social-vanity mix, posting a picture, as well, that rivals her mother’s steamy post.

Kendall had posed for Agua Bendita swimwear brand, recently. The hip, happening model is currently 17-years-old; settle down, you pervs.

Recently vacationing in Greece, the skinny sister took modeling shots of her own, sharing it immediately on Instagram.
Kendall Jenner Courtesy of Splash News
While it's nice of them to show off their stuff, and mommy dearest should be proud of her body, I wouldn't mind if they all faded off back into obscurity. Although, if that happened, the public would probably be treated to another sex tape; I don't know if I'm quite ready for that, just yet.

Please, Khloe, no!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Inside The Cage: Week In Review - Dodgers

Dodgers Powered by Chemistry

The Dodgers are making their final push for home-field advantage for the post season. The only problem is, the Braves keep winning and making it that much harder for the boys in blue.

The Braves are 11 of their past 17; not great by any stretch, but good enough to keep a solid grip on their bid for home-field advantage through the playoffs. Coming off a losing series against the Cardinals at the end of last month, the Braves started winning-- then alternated between winning and losing, again. But, so far, that's been enough.

Meanwhile, the Dodgers, coming off a historic two and a half months, looked like they were finally cooling off with they dropped the final game at Coors Field and getting swept by the Reds. Since then, the Dodgers have won three out of four against division rivals-- Arizona and San Francisco.

Adrian Gonzalez came up big as always, it seems, in the bottom of the 10th inning with Carl Crawford on second.

Gonzalez lined a softly hit shot up the middle, under the glove of shortstop Brandon Crawford, and (Carl) Crawford went trucking home with a slide, avoiding the swipe of Giants catcher, Buster Posey.

Injuries are still plaguing Los Doyers: Matt Kemp is still out, but is supposedly heading back to the club in the coming weeks. The club remains optimistic Kemp could join them before the end of the month. If anything, it would give them a dangerous option off of the bench.

Mattingly's made it clear only one outfielder has their position locked in, as of now: Yasiel Puig.

Hanely Ramirez is continuing to have issues with his hamstring, as well. Maybe it's something in the water? He was replaced at the start of the 7th inning by Nick "The Little Pony" Punto.

Donny "Baseball" was seen consoling Ramirez, as it seemed to most viewers, including broadcasting legend Vin Scully and fan favorite, Steve Lyons.

Chris Capuano is looking to put his strained groin to the test on Friday, in a bullpen session. I don't care much for him, but apparently he deserves a spot on the club over Stephen Fife.

FEAR THE BEARD! Brian Wilson earned a win last night against his former club, for the first time this season; second win in total.

Wilson signed with the Dodgers after the Giants had non-tendered him last winter, after having Tommy John surgery in April. The operation was Wilson's second in his career.

As for his inning against his former club, "I didn't do anything," Wilson said as he walked passed reporters. It appeared he was in no hurry to answer questions about his win.

On deck for tonight's start: Clayton Kershaw(14-8, 1.92 ERA), as he takes his major league-leading ERA to the mound. The Giants will be countering with Madison Bumgarner(11-9, 2.82).

First pitch is at 7:10 PM PT.


Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Jock Lock: NFL Preview - Jets Vs Patriots; UPDATE

Photo by Born A Patriot/Patriot Fans
Are you ready for some football?!

I hope you are. Tonight, the New York Jets face off in a grudge match against the New England Patriots and we'll get a chance to see just how good Geno Smith really is.

With the injury to former starter, Mark Sanchez, likely keeping him out for the remainder of the season, the second round pick has become the incumbent starter.

Dr. Andrews confirmed that Sanchez has a labral tear in his right shoulder and is "likely to have surgery" that would put an end to a season that never started.

Back to Smith, he had an average start. Well, as good as a rookie that was thrown to the lions, or swashbucklers - 24/38 with 256 years, one touchdown and an pick - not too shabby. All of the talent is there, now we wait for it all to come together on the field.

As for Sanchez, he's still debating the final decision on whether to not have the surgery now, or put it off as long as he can with choosing to rehab the shoulder, instead. If he went that route, could, at least at some point, play this season, but would still likely have to have the surgery at the end of the year.

The Patriots, last week, had pulled off a squeaker past the Buffalo Bills, with a 23-21 final score.

Tom Brady wasn't too on point as he normally is, going 29/52 with 288 yards, two touchdowns and one pick.

No Quarterback controversy to report here, and I'm not going into the whole Aaron Hernandez debacle. Okay, maybe one little thing; he had everything going for him, and he still chose to throw his life away to be a thug. Maybe he thought he could be the next Tony Montana? But Tony wasn't in the spotlight as Hernandez was-- is. Innocent or guilty, he's thrown a big portion of his NFL career away.

Anyway, this game should be a good one, and those that are lucky enough to subscribe to the NFL Network are in for one heck of a treat.

The Jets stingy defense vs one of the NFL's elite, high-powered offense's. Let's just hope it's not all hype and no substance. I don't want high scoring necessarily, just a great game played like a chess match. Only, with more hitting.

Kickoff is at 5:25 PM PT

UPDATE: Patriots sloppily defeat the Jets, 13-10

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Lock Box: Sons Of Anarchy Review - Straw (Spoilers)

Sons of Anarchy Photo by Melissa666/fanpop
Wow. Where do I start? What a season this is going to be. There's been so much that has happened in between the time that's passed from last season to this season, I guess we'll just start from the beginning. The theme is Tension:

First, we see Chibs(Tommy Flanagan) as the new Vice President. He was actually my first pick after Opie(Ryan Hurst)'s death, but i understood why Kurt Sutter decided to go with Bobby(Mark Boone Junior) last season. With the tension that was going to build within the club with Jax(Charlie Hunnam) as new President and an endgame of his own, it's clear they made the right decision for last season, as well as this season. We'll get into Chibs' and Jax's possible tension a little bit later.

A peek into Otto's life shows us his everyday torment. Being raped has become an everyday part of his life. I wonder if he'll end up taking his own life, as death would be a sweet release from his dismal life. His life is a perfect shadow of the clubs'; as the club slowly suffers, Otto(Kurt Sutter) does, as well.

Fan favorite, Happy(David LaBrava), is the clubs newly appointed Sergeant at Arms. I don't think anyone has any complaints for that decision.

Who here watches hardcore S&M porn? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Apparently, Lyla(Winter Ave Zoli) is working the hardcore scene, now. No more good, old fashioned, girl-on-girl action with that bullet wound near the money shot on her body. Her character is lovable, but we'll see in the future just strong it is. How will she handle raising three kids? Is her character going down a dark path? If so, will she return to her bubbly, happy self? In any regards, I'm with her, we need Ope.

As a result, Jax and Nero(Jimmy Smits), with some back up from each end, head over to the docks to confront the men behind Lyla's brutality. What they find is a blessing in disguise. A short scuffle and a few shots fired later, police bust in and it looks like it's going to be a bad day for Teller and inc. It turns out, the cops were sent by ex-cop Barosky, played by Robocop himself, Peter Weller, who runs the entire Stockton Ports. It looks like Barosky and Jax are going to be doing a lot of business together in the future, which we'll get into later, so we'll see how that turns out. My guess is, at some point down the line, Barosky and Teller are going to clash, with one possibly taking a dirt nap. A possible subplot might include Nero resisting, at some point, growing his business into Stockton. The look he gave Jax and tone of voice suggests possible tension between the two in the future. Only time will tell.

Retired US Marshal, Lee Toric, played by Donal Logue, finally meets together with Tara(Maggie Siff). As he explains the seriousness of her arrest and pending charges, she politely informs him that she's no rat. He looked impressed. Her character is set up to go through, quite possible, the darkest road she's ever come across.

Juice is back in town, and Chibs is not happy about it. When he brings it up with Jax, he advises Jax that it should be a club decision. However, from Jax's deal with Juice from last season, Chibs is on the outside looking in, and would rather have it be a club decision. Jax doesn't want it going to the club, as he feels it would further hurt the club. We won't know if his statement is genuine, or if he's just trying to protect his own ass. Jax might be taking a stroll down Clay Road. That scenario sets up tension between the new VP and President, yet again.

We finally have some action from Tig(Kim Coates)! Iranian (Persian?) producer extraordinaire is Tig's latest victim of blind rage after he mentions Tig watching his daughter in one of his hardcore movies. Although, i can't say I blame him. After seeing his daughter burned alive by the now dead Damon Pope(Harold Perrineau), I expect Tig to go crazy, at one point or another, and bite the head off of a bat, or something.

Ex-whore and new business woman Colette, played by the believable Kim Dickens, is the new business partner to Nero and Jax, as mentioned above. Her...employees...want to go legit, and she feels that a new partnership with the likes of Nero and Jax has an extremely high profitability margin. She might have different motivations to get in bed with Jax and Nero. See what I did there?

When is Gemma(Katey Segal) not going to threaten someone? It seems every episode she has to rustle up some feathers and, in this one, she had her eyes set on club lawyer, Ally Lowen, played by Robin Weigert. She didn't take too kindly to Lowen informing Jax about Gemma's threat against Tara. Of course she denied it all. Why wouldn't she? She's completely credible, right?

So, now it's Clay's turn to turn rat. Signaling to the guard, before they place him with general population, he's playing ball with the retired US Marshal. I guess Clay(Ron Pearlman) doesn't like black meat.

Colette still hitting on Jax? Okay, just checking.

Chibs finally meets up with Juice back at TM. We had a preview of Chibs beating the hell out of Juice(Theo Rossi), and that's exaclty what we got. No fight put up by Juice, and with good reason. As Chibs says to Juice, "I need to get right with it."

Did you know retired US Marshal Toric is a heroin user? Neither did I. Let's see if the club could find out about his struggles with the drug and exploit it somehow.

So, the little boy that we've seen in specific scene transitions arrives at, what appears to be, his school. Nothing to feel too suspicious over; but when he rolls up his sleeves, we see he's a cutter. What follows might be one of the most controversial scenes in recent memory on TV. I, personally, thought he was going to kill himself. Although I couldn't figure why he would do it, or what kind of ramifications it would have on the season.

Then, he pulls it out one of the very SMG's Jax and his crew sold to Nero's boys last season, when they explained they were losing ground to a rival gang and needed some extra fire power. I couldn't believe my eyes. "No. Are they really going this route?" I thought to myself. Sure enough, they do the unthinkable. Some people might not agree with Sutter's scene, especially in light of what's been happening at schools across the country. But, in the grand scheme of things, it's going to play an extremely vital role in the upcoming season. I agree with him, as long as it's not for shock value, which it doesn't look like it is.

The closing montage was interesting. We get glimpses of Tara rolling up her sleeves, in lock up, and beating the corn rows off an inmate that took her blanky; I guess she's really about that life, now. After that, Jax is back to his old ways, having sex with whores, or, in this case, ex-whores. Ladies, drink it up, his bare ass and all. Chibs is back to taking care of Juice. We'll have to wait to see if he's got all of his issues out with Juice. At this point, it's a coin flip; HEADS! And Fat Elvis is circling possible landing spots for his transfer back to being a Nomad. He has one in mind; all he would need is two more. Is this the end of Bobby's run in Charming?

What did I think, you ask? Well, I thought it was an amazing opening to the season. The teaser was clocked in at 17 minutes long, by far the longest in show history. Kurt Sutter is swinging for the fences once again, and it looks like it's going to be a grand slam, if the show can keep up this kind of pace for the entire season.

I can't wait for next Tuesday. I'm going to wear my cut, which my cousin and I wore for last year’s Halloween, and I'm going to sit my ass in front of the TV and watch, enjoy, and absorb Sutter's genius. Yes, I truly feel that way. What other man will write his role as someone that gets rapped? A genius, that's who!

UPDATE: Deadline reports SOA had a record-breaking 5.8 million viewers Tuesday night.

Locker Talk: 9/11 - Still Not Forgotten

The American Flag with a Bald Eagle
I thank the emergency personnel, both  men and women, that acted so swiftly when the call went out. The people they saved, and their families, are eternally grateful. No amount of medals or recognition could ever describe your bravery as you selflessly acted to save the lives of others, even at the cost of some of your own. The nation owes you a debt of gratitude.

The same goes for the men and women, including their families here at home, of the armed forces. The sacrifice they've made for their nation will never be as fully appreciated as it should be. If you see a soldier on the street, shake their hand, thank them. It goes a long way with them, and they love the appreciation and heartfelt gratitude they receive from complete strangers.

In closing, thank  you to everyone that's sacrificed their lives for the sake of saving someone else's. You are truly appreciated. One nation united.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Locker Talk: Cal Worthington dies, Captain America & Batman Save The Day & Miley's Wrecking Ball

We'll miss Cal, We'll miss Cal, We'll miss Cal!

I remember loving his commercials when I was about yay-high. It was truly a sad day for car dealerships everywhere when it was announced about the passing of Cal Worthington. The condition of his "dogs," spot, are currently unknown.

According to Dave Karalis, General Manager of Cal Worthington Ford in Long Beach, Worthington passed away after watching a football game with his family at his Big W ranch in Orland, California. The cause of death has yet to be determined, said family attorney Larry Miles.

Worthington, who died at the tender age of 92, is survived by six children and nine grandchildren. He, also, left behind four dealerships, a hippo, a snake, an elephant, an orca, a mountain lion, and a roller-skating bear. No word as of yet which, if any, will be his pall-bear-ers'.

Have no fear, Heroes4Higher are here!

These are the people that we need kids to look up to. Selfless people like this, regardless of what they're wearing, should be admired and applauded.

John Buckland and Troy Marcum - better known as Batman and Captain America - had to put their superhero training to the test the day they came across their toughest foe of the day; a burning house - WHAM! Joh-- I mean, Batman, took the lead over the Star Spangled Man as his firefighting instincts kicked in - KA-POW!

"It's getting pretty dark; I'm feeling around. I'll be darned if I feel something furry." Batman explained.

The cat, who's owners were out of town, had to be resuscitated by Batman himself, "The first look on the cats' face was," Batman said while he mimicked the cats horrified expression, "He hissed at me and everything."

I guess that's where animals differ from humans; being resuscitated by Batman would've been a fan boy/girl's dream. You can check out CNN's coverage on the incident here.

Miley wrecks the day!

Another day, another eye cleansing.

Miley made headlines once again with her new video, "Wrecking Ball." If you've watched the video, and by reading this article you've proven that your eyesight is still intact, so I'm assuming you haven't-- but if you have, you'll notice the intro was nothing to stick your tongue out, about. It's just Miley, her red lipstick and her pearly whites, singing away.

Didn't listen much to the lyrics itself, rather just watched her swing around, pantomiming her emotions as best to her ability.

She lives for the shock element, now. Everything she does is to get you talking about her around the water cooler the next day. Heck, I'm talking about her; I never talk about her.

It seems that she's either really trying to break free from her "Hannah Montana" past, at break-neck speed, or this has always been who she is. And In that event, she's possibly the greatest actress that's ever lived.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Locker Talk: Headline News - 3 Year Old Dead From Gunshot Wound At Yellowstone National Park

Great Fountain Geyser Photo by Michael Melford
My heart is heavy as I type this. We, as a society, are almost numb every time we get word that someone has passed away through some careless act. But, this is news no parent should ever have to face.

A 3-year-old girl has passed away from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound in the Grant Village Campground at Yellowstone National Park, as park officials have reported.

This is the first reported incident in the park since 1978, where records show two shooting deaths, according to park spokesman Al Nash. He offered no further details for the shooting deaths in '78. Under new federal law passed in February 22, 2010, visitors are allowed to posses firearms within the park. However, hunting, let alone firing a weapon, is prohibited in Yellowstone, as stated on their website.

The incident is currently under investigation. Reports coming out of the area indicate park rangers and EMT's attempted to resuscitate the girl, both of which were unsuccessful.

In a recorded statement, Nash had said the child's mother had called and informed dispatchers that her daughter had shot herself with a handgun. The name of the girl is being withheld until family members could be contacted and notified of the tragedy.

"We don't have all of the information, and we haven't drawn any conclusions," Nash was quoted as saying. "Given the three million visitors we see here every year, there, thankfully, are very few fatalities reported in the park." Nash added, and apparently heart attacks were the primary cause of deaths in the park.

The girl, 3, died in Wyoming, as Yellowstone spans parts of three states: Idaho, Montana and Wyoming.

No child should ever pass away, let alone in this manner. The public is going to react in very different ways, asking plenty of questions, with plenty of emotion behind them. As a parent myself, I feel the pain of this poor family. As we don't know the details under the circumstances, we need to keep the family in our hearts, and the little girl in our thoughts.

A child's life is so precious and fragile, make sure they always know they're safe with you, because you never know what tomorrow will bring.

Hug your children tight, every night. Look into their eyes and tell them you love them. Tuck them in bed, tell them you'll see them in the morning, and give them a kiss goodnight.

The Jock Lock: College Football - Week 2 Review

Another fantastic week of  college football. There were upsets, blowouts, nail biters, and pretty much everything in between. I'm going to go through a rundown of, what I felt, were the most interesting games played on Saturday. Get ready for puns galore. First up:

A flock of Ducks test the spirit of these Knights - The Oregon Ducks are on a mission to show the Pac-12 that they're more than just beautiful dressers: they're there to ruffle the feathers of the entire conference. From the kickoff, they were a dominating force and their game plan was simple: ground and pound the Cavaliers' defense. They had three rushers with more than 100 yards rushing and a quack-tastic total of 7 rushing touchdowns. The defense was having their way with the Cavalier offense just the same, forcing 2 fumbles, recovering both of them. I'd talk more about Virginia, but they didn't really give me much to talk about, plus I'm out of puns for them. One more for Oregon? OK; I guess birds of a feather really do flock together. Quack, quack, quack! Oregon wins, 59-10.
De'Anthony Thomas Photo by Joe Robbins/Getty Images
The Gamecock's get dragged into a Dawg fight - Boy, this one really came down to the wire, didn't it? In the first half, it looked as if Georgia was going to run away with this one. But South Carolina came clucking back towards the end of the second quarter. By the time the clock started for the fourth quarter, we had ourselves a game. With less than nine minutes to go in the fourth, the Dawgs had a massive goal-line stand, with the Gamecocks losing yardage on 4th and goal. Todd Gurley and Jadeveon Clowney didn't disappoint. But it was Gurley who set the tempo for the game. Aaron Murray wasn't too bad, either, with 309 yards in the air and 4 touchdowns. In the end, the Bulldogs were able to fend off the Gamecocks' talons and lock 'em back in the coop, or wherever Gamecocks sleep. Georgia wins, 41-30.
Todd Gurley Photo by Scott Cunningham/Getty Images
The Irish try their luck against the Wolverines - My most anticipated game of the day. When I saw a Quarterback wearing No. 98 and a Defensive Lineman wearing No. 1, I knew this game was going to be interesting. Michigan's Devin Gardner had a good game, but it's clear he still has a lot of growing to do as a QB. He made the switch from Wide Receiver, last year, almost seamlessly. Tommy Rees, of Notre Dame, had a good game, as well. In fact, both QB's would've had stellar games had they each not thrown picks that directly led to a score for the other team. The last rematch we'll have between these two will happen next year and will be the final game played between these two for the foreseeable future. As for this game, the Wolverines ended up taking another pot of gold from the Fighting Irish, as well as the "W." Next year, they'll be playing for the whole shebang of Lucky Charms. Michigan wins, 41-30.
Devin Gardner AP Photo by Carlos Osorio
It's the Johnny Manziel show, again - There wont be any puns here; just good, old fashioned sports talk. Manziel put on a clinic against the Sam Houston State Bearkats. He threw for 403 yards and three touchdowns in three quarters. However, it's not as if the Bearkats weren't an offensive force of their own. Timothy Flanders rushed for 170 yards on 19 carries and 2 touchdowns of his own. It was a hard, fought battle, but the Texas A&M Aggies were just too much for Sam Houston's junior varsity defense, no offense. Johnny "Football" did handle himself better than last week when a Bearkat defender knocked the ball out of his hand after a 6-yard touchdown run in the last minutes of the third quarter. Maybe he just wanted an autograph but was too shy to ask. Texas A&M wins, 65-28.
Johnny Manziel Photo by Bob Levey/Getty Images
Updated AP Top 15 Rankings: 1. Alabama(1-0); 2. Oregon(2-0); 3. Clemson(2-0); 4. Ohio Sate(2-0); 5. Stanford(1-0); 6. Texas A&M(2-0); 7. Louisville(2-0); 8. LSU(2-0); 9. Georgia(1-1); 10. Florida State(1-0); 11. Michigan(2-0); 12. Oklahoma State(2-0); 13. South Carolina(1-1); 14. Oklahoma(2-0); 15.Miami[Fla.](2-0).

Locker Talk: The Samsung Galaxy Gear: The Next Step Into The Future...?

Samsung made a big splash in the smart tech-world with the unveiling of the new Galaxy Gear, covered by Chris Cottrell of The New York Times. I've read reports comparing the Gear to the old Dick Tracy watch. While that was one of the first thoughts that popped in my head when I saw the pictures, my initial reaction was, "Finally! A Power Ranger watch!" I don't know why, as it looks nothing like the wrist communicators from the original show. Well, the original in the states, anyway.

It's not so much fashionable as it is functional. I hope you 'Batman' fans recognized that opening sentence. Anyway, the box-ish frame of the watch makes it look a bit odd on a feminine wrist, from the pictures I've seen in Christina Farr's article featured in It's as if the design department had James Brown's, "This is a mans world!" playing on continuous loop at the Samsung Secret Lair.

Galaxy Gear in an assortment of colors
The Gear has a set price of $299 and actually beat Apple to punch -- finally. With the announcement and unveiling of the Galaxy Gear, Samsung is showing to the world that they're innovators as well, and not content with following in the footsteps of Apple. The design of the watch has had it's share of mixed reviews. Most publications have stated that it's a bit bulky and clunky. The coolest features in the watch, I found to be, was the 512MB of RAM, the 800MHz processor, and the 4GB of storage.

No, the S Voice isn't impressive. It's Androids answer to Siri, and this is just my opinion and is in no way shape or form the opinion of the masses, but just because Apple does it, doesn't necessarily mean you need to do it. Find your own road to drive down, just be sure to follow the Unwritten Book of the Road, as taught by George Carlin.

Photo by John MacDougall/AFP/Getty Images
One of the biggest flaws of the watch, I feel, is the 10 hour battery life. The fact that you need the new Samsung Galaxy Note 3, or any other Galaxy device running Android 4.3, to even be able to use the watch doesn't bother me nearly as much as the battery life, or lack there of. After all, who wants to own a technologically advanced wrist watch that you have to worry whether or not it'll last throughout the day? Think of it as buying a luxury car, only without the reliability of what a luxury car should have. Basically, it's like owning a new Lincoln.

Now, let's get to what most interests smart-device users: the apps. While there will be only 12 apps available when the Galaxy Gear goes on sale, Samsung has promised at least 70 at some point down the line. Banjo is one of the apps that was made official. It will let you know when your friends are nearby and provide a live stream of pictures they've taken. Think of it as the ultimate stalker app. Having social media apps ready from the get go is almost a rule nowadays, so I won't go into those. Also, Samsung has, apparently, been focusing on health-tracking technology with reports of a health startup helping the company create fitness apps for a while, now. Last year, Samsung launched the S Health app.

I don't know about any of you, but when I wear a regular rubber-banded watch while I work out, my wrist gets awfully sweaty. I'm going to assume there will be nothing more invigorating than wearing a $300 watch while you feel it sliding up and down your wrist with the accumulating sweat acting as a lubricant. I wonder if they'll have the Send Me To Heaven app available at some point for the Gear.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Inside The Locker: A Look At All Of The Things We Love Moving Into September

Smell that? That’s the smell of one of the best times of the year. That’s the smell of blood, sweat and tears -- it's a face-slapping good time.

Photo by Mark J. Terrill/AP
Baseball season is wrapping up with amazing pennant races. “Shockingly,” the AL West is going down to the wire; I’m pulling for the Rangers in that one. They may be missing Nelson Cruz, but they still have Yu Darvish. ESPN has the Dodgers ranked no. 1 on their Power Rankings, again. They're finally playing like the team Las Vegas had planned on. There have been some surprises for me, though. The Pirates young talent, mixed with some legitimate veterans, have been looking, and playing like they've started to figure it out. Meanwhile, “Crush” Davis really blossomed last year and since he was given the chance, and he's been knocking the cover off baseballs ever since, keeping Miguel Cabrera on his triple-crown toes. With these final pushes for the remaining playoff spots being as exciting as they are, it almost makes you forget about both A-Rod's and Braun’s, each covered by ESPN, cries of conspiracy to anyone that will listen. Or that's in law school, whomever.

Jameis Winston Photo by Keith Srakocic/AP
College football finally kicked off with top-ten worthy plays, like the amazing, one-handed grab by Spartan Defensive Back, Kurtis Drummond. If you haven't seen it, I suggest you crawl out from under your rock and watch the video here, covered by CBS's Tom Fornelli. It was one of the best FOOTBALL plays I've seen that actually made me yell out, "Wow! Did you see that?!" If that catch is foreshadowing what the rest of the season has in store, then we're in for a real treat. Jameis Winston of Florida State had quite the coming-out party. He was in complete control throughout the entire night. His scorecard read like a video games': 24-27 for 356 yards and 4 touchdowns, plus a rushing touchdown for good measure, all against a very good Pittsburgh defense. You think he's ready for an encore? And, if you're up for a good read, stop by David Hale's article on ESPN. It's powerful stuff. As for Ryan Lea-- I mean, Johnny Manziel, he played a great game -- until he was penalized for taunting and then yanked. There's no denying his ability, or immaturity. How do you coach someone that thinks he's above your word? Maybe that's something Coach Kevin Sumlin has been asking himself, as well. He's a hell of a ball player, though.
Photo by Dustin Bradford/Getty Images
The NFL is officially underway with Payton Manning and the Broncos completely destroying the Ravens, and Manning having another career game, going 27-42 with 462 yards, 7 touchdowns and a big ol' goose egg in the interceptions column; what a start to the 2013 season. Other notable stories -- more or less -- include the Titans' GM Mike Munchak possibly entering the season on a seat so hot, it'd burn a hole right through the $6,000 pants of Jose Baez. After a free agency spending spree, Owner Bud Adams has already made it clear that he, "didn't spend that money for nothing." The Eagles' Riley Cooper has made headlines, once again, only this time for a tussle with Defensive Back Cary Williams. It didn't seem to have anything to do with Coopers' use of a racial slur at a Kenny Chesney concert over the summer, more or less just a heat-of-the-moment scuffle; it is football, after all. Trying to play peacemaker was Michael Vick, but was also in need of some restrain after a heated exchange with Williams, as well. Vick was quoted in the locker room, after the dust had settled, stating, "these young dudes don't respect me." These kids, nowadays. Last, but not least, we have Ron Jaworski, who has argued his case, reported here by the Associated Press, for Colin Kaepernick being one of the best players -- EVER! What?! Someone that hasn't played a full year yet will be, apparently, in the same class as Tom Brady and Joe Montana, when he hangs up his cleats -- yeah... I'm going to disagree with you there, Jaws. Let him play a few FULL seasons before making a bold prediction like that.

Finally, we sign off with Max Papis' dislocated jaw. Look, I understand his embarrassment of being hit like that by a woman on national television. However, you don't say things like, "Well, I guess we know who wears the pants in that relationship, a-hyuk." Even if it's true, that makes you look like a pretentious douche bag. Instead, admit that, when you were slapped, it hurt like hell, then make light of the situation, and move on. There's no shame in that. Any man would love to have a woman, that was that ballsy, by his side. But don't try and act like a big shot, tough guy. After all, you did claim you had your jaw dislocated with a slap to the face. Not a punch to the face, or a pile driver to the face.
Comment below on what else, you feel, I should've covered. And, above all, have a little fun.